What we do…

What is ABA | Family Behavioral Solutions | ABA Therapy and ABA Services in Massachusetts

What is ABA?

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the science and applied practice of behavior change based on the principles of behavior. ABA seeks to understand the relationship between an individual’s behavior and their environment, establish new relations, replace maladaptive and interfering responses with prosocial and functional alternatives, and improve the overall quality of life for the population it serves.

Parent Training | Family Behavioral Solutions | ABA Therapy and ABA Services in Massachusetts

Parent and Caregiver Behavioral Skills Training

Board certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) work directly with the parent, caregiver, or educator to provide consultation, and behavioral skills training to to address the unique situations that arise in the day-to-day. Training also focuses on generalizing the skills acquired by your child to occur across people, settings, and novel environmental conditions.

1:1 ABA Therapy and ABA Services |Family Behavioral Solutions | ABA Therapy and ABA Services in Massachusetts

1:1 Behavioral Instruction

We provide in-home, school, and daycare direct behavioral instruction conducted by trained behavioral instructors. Our instructors work directly with your child implementing treatment and protocol developed by the BCBA.

Treatment Analysis | Family Behavioral Solutions | ABA Therapy and ABA Services in Massachusetts

Assessment, Supervision and Treatment Analysis

BCBAs conduct behavior and skills assessment to identify domains in your child’s development requiring treatment. On going supervision of instructors, data analysis and collaboration occur to ensure that treatment meets your child’s developing and changing needs.

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